We appreciate one-off donations, but caring for hundreds of animals requires consistent funding. Meeting the cost of food, shelter, staffing and medical bills is an ever increasing struggle - despite the income from our resort.

Our Sponsor-A-Pooch program gives individuals the opportunity to partner with us by shouldering the expense of housing a single dog. For a monthly contribution of RM88.00 (around AUD30.00), each sponsor receives a digital certificate with a photo of their special pooch, as well as bi-annual updates about our centre.

Subscribe to Sponsor-A-Pooch by clicking on the PayPal button below. Your subscription will renew on the same day each month and, while we would love you to commit to a full year or more, there is no minimum term.

Alternatively, you can set up a recurring monthly payment to:
Pooch Rescue Sdn. Bhd
Maybank 5123 6158 6158 4865
Just email proof of your first donation to admin@klpoochresortandrescue.org

If RM88.00 per month is beyond - or below! - what you can give, please contact us to arrange a subscription tailored to your means.